All Fallout 4 cheats and console commands

    Cheat codes have somewhat grow to be a thing of the earlier in fashionable gaming, with mods coming in to take their spot. Most Bethesda online games, these types of as Starfield and Fallout 4, appreciate plenty of mod support, but also have lots of ways you can tweak the game employing some outdated-fashioned cheats and console commands. Even as massive as Fallout 4 is, it has proven its age at this place, so why not try out a handful of cheats to maintain items enjoyable in the wasteland? Below are all the cheats and console commands you can use, and how to activate them.

    How to enter cheats

    Bethesda Softworks

    Cheats on Computer are able to be activated at any time with the basic push of a button. Just hit the ~ important to open up up the console menu, in which you can enter any of the cheats beneath to induce their involved results.

    Player cheats

    • tgm — Toggles god manner.
    • tcl — Toggles collision.
    • tfc — Activates cost-free digital camera.
    • tfc 1 — Exact same as over, but freezes all animations.
    • tm — Toggles menus and UI on and off, like the console.
    • csb — Resets blood splatter/explosion dust/etcetera. screen consequences.
    • fov [first-person FOV] [third-person FOV] — Modify the FOV. Enter for both to reset to default.
    • showlooksmenu participant 1 – Opens up the character customization menu.
    • participant.setrace [race id] — Variations your race.
    • participant.resethealth – Sets your wellbeing to full.
    • participant.setlevel – Sets your degree to the stage you enter.
    • participant.setav – Sets the entered stat to the number you enter.
    • established timescale to [insert number here] — Speeds up or slows down time.
    • player.addperk – Adds whichever perk you decide on to your character.

    Merchandise cheats

    • player.additem 0000000f [insert number here] — Provides bottle caps equivalent to the quantity you specify.
    • participant.additem 0000000a [insert number here] — Provides bobby pins equivalent to the selection you specify.
    • player.additem – Adds the specified amount of the picked out item specifically to your inventory.

    Other item IDs:

    • Stimpack – 00023736
    • Med-X – 00033779
    • Rad Absent – 00023742
    • Stealth Boy – 0004F4A6
    • Fusion Core – 00075FE4
    • Mini Nuke – 0010E689

    Entire world and NPC cheats

    • coc [cell id] – Teleports the player to an location.
    • unlock – Unlocks any door you have qualified.
    • activate – Forces the activation of whichever object you have qualified.
    • tai – Turns off or on the AI for NPCs
    • tcai – Turns off or on the overcome AI for NPCs
    • tdetect — The AI won’t detect you any more.
    • killall – Kills everybody in the immediate spot all around you, excluding companions and any NPC marked as critical.
    • get rid of – Kills the NPC with the affiliated ID.
    • resurrect – Brings back to everyday living the NPC whose ID you’ve typed in.
    • coc qasmoke – Teleports you to a debug space.
    • sgtm – Improvements the match velocity, which affects gameplay instantly — 1 is the default, .5 is 50 percent speed, and 2 is double.
    • fw OR sw – Alterations the weather conditions either instantly (fw) or progressively (sw) to the style you enter.

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